
Værktype Datering Materiale Farve
Viser 781 værker 
i tilfældig rækkefølge

Det lodrette alfabet (2021)

Nothing is right here, nothing is left here (2018)

Hovedpinehat (2008)

You can't always want what you get (2017)

Halvt begyndt er godt fuldendt (2016)

I just can't stop loving you (2022)

Mglxpqurm (1999)

Can't get there from here (2021)

Uden titel (Marguerite) (2016)

Disse tynde steder (2) (2014)

All around (2024)

What's the word I'm looking for? (2015)

Untitled (secondary structure) (2020)

Always stick to your knitting (2013)

Soup (2024)

Yes, we have no bananas (2021)

Hvordan det er, Ingalil Bang (?), 1967, Anders Bonnesen 2022 (2022)

Come back baby, I wanna play house with you (2013)

No-smoking (1997)

Fifteen - love (2024)

Ready maid (2015)

Where do broken hearts go? (2021)

Frigate & Jutland (2019)

Every which way but loose (2018)

Kroatisk ur (2017)

Uden titel, untitled, ns titre (2015)

Measure twice (2024)

Across the borderline (2018)

Darling I need you (John Cale) (2022)

Man vil, hvad man kan (2016)

Wish you were here (2022)

Curtain walling (2005)

Øjenkontakt (2021)

Honky-tonk (2024)

Don't fence me in (2013)

She loves me, she loves me not ... (2018)